My excuses are thus; I have been, and continue to be, kind of sick. Nothing exceptional. It’s the same stupid cold that everyone’s getting, the sore throat, the coughing, the aching and now some sort of infected left eye.
All this to say, that I dicked around more than usual today. I started on the piece about Northern Vancouver Island. Saying I ‘started’ might be a generous term. I think I managed to paste down around six sentences? Maybe eight. That’s probably right. The sad thing is that those few sentences that sound light and trite and breezy, very nearly killed me in their execution.
Which is why my memoir is sitting somewhere in Word.docs with cyber-dust piling on its pages. And which is why I haven’t started my Hungary story for Adventure Cyclist or the other two articles for the newspaper syndication. Nada. A big fat donut today.
And that’s okay. Check it out! I must be getting old and wise, because it really is okay. Normally this would be about the time that I berate myself for ‘failing’. Instead, I gave myself nice cups of tea and hit up my chocolate stash for treats.
I know I’ll be a bit better tomorrow.That is, after all, the nature of these things. Besides, I’ve got the drops for my eye and I’ve got the right cold medicine kicking in to knock the headache out of my head once and for all.
Most of these articles have long deadlines anyway.
Really. I have tons of time.
Well, except for the Vancouver Island thing, but that’ll be the plan for tomorrow.
What a great site. Thanks for the link and the opportunity to avoid writing…I was getting bored of vacuuming the same piece of floor
Hi Colleen, if you need some more excuses to avoid getting down to the memoir itself, you may want to check out a great blog on memoir writing. I’ve just started, from its beginning and not so far along either, but far enough along to recommend it, remembering you’d used the “m” word yourself. And my reason for being there, contemplating the same. www.100memoirs.com
Sounds like you have some exciting things on the horizon.
I hope the meds allow for rest and you feel better.