3 Responses

  1. colleenfriesen
    colleenfriesen at |

    What a great site. Thanks for the link and the opportunity to avoid writing…I was getting bored of vacuuming the same piece of floor 🙂

  2. doradueck
    doradueck at |

    Hi Colleen, if you need some more excuses to avoid getting down to the memoir itself, you may want to check out a great blog on memoir writing. I’ve just started, from its beginning and not so far along either, but far enough along to recommend it, remembering you’d used the “m” word yourself. And my reason for being there, contemplating the same. www.100memoirs.com

  3. slamdunk
    slamdunk at |

    Sounds like you have some exciting things on the horizon.

    I hope the meds allow for rest and you feel better.


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