4 Responses

  1. slamdunk
    slamdunk at |

    Somewhat like stretching before a run. Helpful post.

    1. colleenfriesen
      colleenfriesen at |

      Exactly. And I’m happy to report it works…at least it’s working today 🙂
      Thanks for reading.

  2. cherilaser
    cherilaser at |

    Hi! As a relative newcomer to blogging, I can atblog to the fact that the exercise does serve as a great warm-up, in addition to providing a sense of connection to the world.

    My goal is to start utilizing the early morning (and I mean the wee-early morning, for at least an hour) on a consistent basis for the blog and tag surfing. Establishing that discipline for five or six days a week is one of the first challenges of 2010.

    Thanks for your insightful perspective!


    1. colleenfriesen
      colleenfriesen at |

      Good for you. I’m impressed with your goal. It reminds me of Julie in Julie & Julia. We just have to do it for the sake of doing it. Maybe we can start a support group of Writers-Who-Are-Trying-Their-Very-Hardest-To-Get-At-It, though admittedly the acronym is rather cumbersome. Thanks for letting me know I have company in this quest. Take care.


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