OK. So the last post I did was all about NOT doing resolutions but I don’t think I can call these New Year’s resolutions, cuz most of what I’m talking about here are the same things I was working on last year. Perhaps I can just confirm these ongoing directions? Who was I kidding that I could possibly not end up here. But maybe it’s more like those couples who do the whole marriage ceremony thing again after 30 years or something…Yeh, that’s it. These are simply confirmations of existing tenents. Wow. That sounds very formal.
Be it Resolved…
That I will exercise every day. Usually an hour walk at the beginning of the day – a really fast walk/hike with some killer hills.
That I will meditate for 30 minutes every day. This is to hopefully disengage the endless monkey mind chatter. Not sure if it’s actually working but studies have shown…
That I’ll clean up some portion of my world every day, whether it’s a drawer, a dusty bureau or something bigger.
That each day I’ll work on something creative, whether writing for this memoir-ish thing I’m working on or a collage or some art/functional project.
That each day I’ll read a wild and varied amount of books.
That I’ll make friend-time a priority; this includes my best friend, my husband Mr. R.
That I will incorporate a few downward dogs each morning and one full yoga session each week.
That I will practise gratitude in all things.
Wow. Thanks for finding this. I forget about these things. It was all SO long ago. I’m happy to report that I’m doing pretty much all of it. Whaddya know?
Curiously enough, the only thing that has slowed down a bit is the amount I read…still quite a bit, but currently less than usual. Thanks again Carol. It was fun to read and to find out I followed through
Hey, Colleen, I just read this for the first time and thought you came up with an excellent list. How has it gone for you, some 10 months later? Just curious–not trying to be cruel.