This was Sunday’s other photo. I love how the lichens and moss are starting to take hold. The leaves and twigs and dirt – all vying for equal colour time.
I think part of why I love using the camera, is having to really study and look at everything. I remember from an art class I took once, how she made us cut a square out of some heavy paper. We held it in front of us and took it outside and had to frame segments until we really could “see”. It’s amazing how much interferes with our focus if we don’t put a clear framework around things.
I suppose I’m talking in metaphors again. It’s inevitable. Isn’t everything a metaphor?
The other day after I read your comments about “framing” so we can really see (which is something I really have to keep working at) I happened to be reading in Flannery O’Connor’s “Wise Blood” and the Enoch character is so irritated by a portrait of a moose, and its “look of superiority,” that he finally realized that “taking the frame off him would be equal to taking the clothes off him (although he didn’t have on any) and he was right because when he had done it, the animal looked to reduced that Enoch could only snicker…” etc. So another dimension of framing — it also dresses or dignifies the framed thing! Just in passing…