The rains and the wind and the dark seas have been going on for days now. This was taken yesterday when there seemed to be a slight lifting over Vancouver Island.
I loved how yellow the chairs were in contrast to the black rocks, the grey water and the scoters that were bobbing and diving in the waves all day.
I have another picture of the leaves in the back yard. I think I’ll post that tomorrow, but I thought I’d start with our front yard first.
Actually, truth is, these are not our chairs out front….they’re right next door at my in-laws, but because I get to enjoy their sunny yellow presence out my window, I claim them as sort of mine.
Hi Colleen,
I am sitting in a borrowed house in Roberts Creek reading A Woman’s Asia and have just enjoyed your story about your massage in Trengganu (I lived in Kuantan in 1969). I’m a Canadian writer based in Bali and just wanted to touch base and congratulate you on your work. Enjoy France!
Blessed be,
Cat Wheeler
Well, hello Cat. Thanks for dropping by…funny that you’re in Roberts Creek and tonight I happen to be just up the beach from you at our house on Stalashen Drive.
I’m so glad you enjoyed my Malaysian massage story. It was quite the experience.
I keep hearing such great things about Bali, haven’t been there yet, but hope to get there soon. Hope to see you here again.