14 Responses

  1. Barb
    Barb at |

    I believe you will make an amazing hospice worker and bless those that you deal with Colleen because you have an uncanny ability to listen to people and not shy away from the tough subjects that they will need to be able to release. Remember to save some of your boundless energy for yourself though! xo

  2. Elinor
    Elinor at |

    I’m jealous! Now let me add, for those who might not understand, that I’m another Mennonite who grew up listening to funeral announcements. My dad would write them all down each day, with short notes about age, town, funeral date. And although death and funerals have been too close to home too often since a tender age (grandfather, uncle, mother, neighbour, cousin, multiple relatives, niece, father, step-mother, nephew…), I’ve long been interested and comfortable talking about death. I wish it wasn’t so taboo.
    And I visit cemeteries too. In Tennessee, I found the most colourful cemeteries, with a carpet of bright plastic flowers. In Prague, I noticed the trend of pictures on the tombstone. And in Buenos Aires I visited the grave of Eva Perón (or respectfully, María Eva Duarte de Perón).
    So I look forward to hearing how your hospice training goes. I think you’ll make a great hospice worker.

  3. Kelly
    Kelly at |

    I have this weird fascination with cemeteries too….must be in our Mennonite DNA. Keep on writing Colleen, you have a gift.

  4. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    We have a lovely tradition in France to honour the dead. On 1st November people bring flowers (mostly chrysanthemum) to their loved ones and the cemetery is a spectacle of yellow and orange. I hope when I die I will receive the same attention !
    After my mother died 17 years of pancreatic cancer in France I felt that I had to do something practical in this country so I did voluntary work in an hospice near where I live. I only stayed 3 weeks. I was totally overwhelmed by the suffering. Also this was done on Friday night after a week’s full time work. I am afraid I couldn’t take it and I left without saying anything to anybody but the day after I came back to apologise for my behaviour. I am writing this not to put you off but you must be prepared to be shocked and saddened. I hope you will be more courageous than me. Very Good Luck.

  5. M Jackson
    M Jackson at |

    I like your attitude on this subject. I’ll look forward to hearing what you learn during your hospice training.

  6. Liz
    Liz at |

    The only picture my dad has of his father (he died when dad was two) is the casket shot. Other than that, no dead photos in our family.
    The world needs more people like you. Thanks Colleen. You will be a wonderful hospice worker.

  7. AnneLise
    AnneLise at |

    I heard the same podcast this morning. I also feel I was born for this. Interestingly, I do find myself reading the obituaries that are still printed in the local paper. I feel obliged to read them for some reason. I think for me it is one way to honor or pay tribute to someone’s life. I believe all life is precious, even if I didn’t know them. I choose to read the final chapter of their story on this planet. However, I did throw away all the casket photos from my parents.


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