6 Responses

  1. Lori Craig
    Lori Craig at |

    Gawwddd – you have a way with words & exploring your life! I have never intentionally looked for ‘signs’ – but as I get older – serendipity reveals itself as message when I ‘de-clutter’ all that is ‘life’. When I ‘uncrowd’ my life, as I do in nature – all becomes metaphor.

  2. Jim Webster
    Jim Webster at |

    I seem to miss the metaphors and just push blindly ahead.. wisely or not. I do like a good treasure hunt though.. thanks for getting me thinking about metaphors. Maybe I’ll become more attune.

  3. Carol Wiebe
    Carol Wiebe at |

    Colleen, I just wrote to a group I belong to about seeing metaphors and signs everywhere. I call it living symbolically. How serendipitous to now read your writing about your very similar approach to life. Some would call a sensitivity to apprehending signs and wonders superstition.

    You and I know better.


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