10 Responses

  1. Melody Wollen
    Melody Wollen at |

    Gotta say, NOT a fan of that heat. But heading to Mexico anyway! Haha

  2. Elinor Warkentin
    Elinor Warkentin at |

    You are so courageous to rough it and brave the elements. Admirable courage.

  3. bruce
    bruce at |

    Food for thought as my wife & I consider Mexico as a possible getaway next winter. This year we toughed it out on Vancouver Island again, but honestly – it wasn’t so bad ! Putting this enticing article alongside what my brother has told me about places he’s seen in Mexico, I’m getting ever closer to saying, “Okay ! let’s go !”

  4. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    Reading your blog has been a perfect antidote to the cold wet weather we have been enjoying in central France. Just the thought of being warm without sitting next to a huge log fire makes me feel better. But we are never satisfied are we.

    You paint such a brilliant picture as usual and make me long for warmer climes.

  5. Donna Janke
    Donna Janke at |

    I love how you’ve brought all the senses to life in this description. And it sounds so like my time in Panama this winter. The almost-cool morning breeze, the wall of heat, sticky clothes. Even the tiny ants. There were times I felt the heat too oppressive and yet now that I am back in cold Canada and reading your description, I want to go back.


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