8 Responses

  1. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    Colleen what a poignant post!
    I remember in the 1990’s watching on TV the siege of Sarajevo by the Serbians. It made front line news for weeks and as any conflict there were civilians’ casualities. Yes, children being killed, families being separated. What a terrible ordeal it must have been.
    Now peace has returned. Muslims, Catholics, living side by side. Indeed love is the only thing that make us humans. Love is the only answer.

  2. Lori Henry
    Lori Henry at |

    Thank you for this beautiful post, Colleen. I’m really enjoying following along on your trip.

  3. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    I’ve long wanted to visit Sarajevo as I remember reading about the role of Canada’s peacekeeping mission around 1992. Really a horrifying situation and so puzzling given Sarajevo was known for its religious diversity. The monument to the many children who died would be heart-breaking.

  4. Wandering Carol
    Wandering Carol at |

    A heartfelt post, Colleen.


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