16 Responses

  1. Joan and Bill Wilcox
    Joan and Bill Wilcox at |

    I’ve just arrived at that state only now through sheer exhaustion. Temporarily enjoying the nothingness more or less as of this morning. When I pick up the pace it will be very very slowly. I tend to forget how old I am. That’s good and bad.

  2. Babs
    Babs at |

    So enjoyable..these words. Words that aren’t needed by me as they were so well expressed you all. Thank you. They are giving me permission.. a gift of lovely freedom.<3 to you all, but mostly to the one who forwarded this on to me. A new day..a new way.

  3. Dorothy Willms
    Dorothy Willms at |

    Colleen, I don’t know if I’ve ever told you how much I enjoy reading your blog posts. You always leave me with something to “mull over”. Thanks for that.

  4. Mary
    Mary at |

    I so agree. I love the space around things, and boy, I thought I would have our deck painted along with the inside of the house. Sounded like a reasonable summer goal. Haven’t even bought the paint. But time is full and absolutely beautiful. Thanks for that. I am so with you.

  5. Gwen Morrison
    Gwen Morrison at |

    Oh Colleen, how I long to be where you are. I am still in the snappy, zippy, have-to-respond-to-every-email-right-now place… and, to be honest, I’m kind of zonked. I am trying to create a morning routine that allows me to connect with that self that you have created — I know she’s in there, dying to get her hands on my iPhone and chuck it in the nearest river. I look forward to getting to know that girl one day soon.

    Enjoy your space, my friend. You deserve it. Hell, we all deserve it. Who decided we didn’t?

  6. Sophie Berner
    Sophie Berner at |

    Love your comments…made me smile, chuckle and feel really good. I still get the odd flash of panic after sitting down to read in the middle of the day…WHAT…? there must be something else that needs to be done, like right away, before I forget about it…..you make me feel a lot better.

  7. Ruby & Richard Dyck
    Ruby & Richard Dyck at |

    U r so right! Difficult to achieve when u have been programmed to excel at everything u do; since childhood! It is a hard pattern to break!

  8. bonnie
    bonnie at |

    Maybe you are coming into mindfulness. I find that I need more and more quiet time coupled with more time just being outdoors – soaking it all inward.


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