4 Responses

  1. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    Kindness is the Soul of Love. I believe the common quality that happy couples, share is kindness. It smooths the rough spots in one’s spirit.
    I like to have beautifully crafted books in my home. A friend flies Tibetan flags in her garden. Her husband creates unique, original clay pots.
    Beauty, kindness, clean space, I believe in these ideals.

  2. Wandering Carol
    Wandering Carol at |

    Sounds very lovely and Downton Abbey (which I’m watching everyday at 4 pm because somehow I missed the Downtown Abbey bandwagon first time around. As to your question, how do I incorporate beauty, grace, kindness into my life. Er, I don’t think I’ve ever had a graceful moment and it never occurred to me to fluff a pillow. But I love thinking I might, someday be a pillow fluffer and an all around kind beautiful graceful shining-glass-vase kind of woman. We live for hope. Love your post.


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