12 Responses

  1. gwen
    gwen at |

    I am always so inspired by your words, Colleen. You have this unique way of taking a message so “duh-uh,” like “stop and smell the roses, people!” and turning it on its head. Thank you for the reminder that it’s time to slow down. To breathe. To laugh. To love. To soak in the sun. To smell the flowers. I’m so sorry for your friend, but so glad she has you.

    Enjoy your day, my friend. I will be enjoying mine. 🙂

  2. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    How much I agree with you! You should take time to “swallow and masticate” every moment, and live your life as if it was your last day.

    “It is better to travel than to arrive” – say a Chinese proverb.

  3. Sophie Berner
    Sophie Berner at |

    Your words about slowing down are so fitting, especially at this time of year…autumn, when we take stock of the past summer with all of its projects and running about…It’s Harvest Time…for gardens, friends, mushrooms, wild berries, all preserved in one way or another, to be enjoyed during those long dark days of winter, here, north of the 60th parallel…Wishing you peace and strength to carry you through the coming season.

  4. Laurie McConnell
    Laurie McConnell at |

    Such a timely post to welcome me back from Haida Gwaii timelessness to the hurlyburly of even Sunshine Coast living. Being in a place where the rhythms of the seasons are so visible and synced with human activities – hunting & gathering, putting up preserves, mushrooming, fishing, getting everything ready for the long dark winter – freed me up to slow down enough to dispense with time almost entirely.

    Sure I may have posted some photos, but other than that, my phone and watch were dead to me and we lost ourselves in hours of North Beach walks, beachcombing, talking with local artisans and residents about the cycles of communal living in such a remote place, and generally being in the moment.

    My heart aches for you and your friend… my time with my own dearest friend, a longtime worker in Hospice has taught me how incredibly valuable it is to just have friends and family BE with you on that journey. I know she loves and appreciates you tremendously because you will stay with her and be fully present.

    Know the rest of us love you and support you and through you support your friend – we’re all holding you up and we’ll give you a metaphysical push up that hill on your ‘girlie’ bike.

  5. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    True words. That’s a natural in Puerto where the midday heat makes everything and everyone move so languorously you can’t help but stop and take in your surroundings. Today I was chugging slowly up a hill ( I’m betting you know the one I mean) past a pile of dirt and cement and swore I could small jasmine. Sure enough a little bush growing in a crack of soil was there, covered with stars of sweet blossoms, so I did in fact stop and take in the fragrance. A good excuse too to catch my breath.

  6. Karen Gamble
    Karen Gamble at |

    It’s like you have been watching me lately – NOT A RACE! Thanks for the reminder.
    My heart leapt at my understanding – she wants time to live, love laugh….oh you already used those words! But they created an “Ah Ha!” moment for me.
    Now, to get to the heart of my Life – Living the life my heart is waiting for. You are my guru!


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