10 Responses

  1. bruce
    bruce at |

    “Damn the torpedoes ” !!!!!!!! Build it your way!!

    Where this new look will take you will be where it takes you. He will take you where he wants you to go. Giving your dreams to someone else is lunacy!!!

  2. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    Don’t listen to him! You take great photos.
    Look forward to the new blog format.

  3. Elinor Warkentin, CTA (Cosmic Travel Agent)
    Elinor Warkentin, CTA (Cosmic Travel Agent) at |

    Don’t listen to them!! Never conform. Just do it your way. Rules are meant to be twisted, hacked, replaced, broken and de-cluttered. Change when and what you want. But you’re not doing anything wrong.

    I love your way. It’s pretty incredible to me.

  4. barb
    barb at |

    Oh darling, it is the randomness that is so charming but i will do whatever i can to help you achieve your dreams.


  5. Amanda
    Amanda at |

    Colleen, I totally agree! I couldn’t write about one niche thing every day, screw that.
    I can’t wait to see the new blog format – good luck with the preparations!


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