4 Responses

  1. Frank Parsons
    Frank Parsons at |

    Hi Colleen, just taken a peek at me in my (1706) finery again – in Rye. Still alive and kicking! I remember meeting you both back in Rye in ’13, it was good. I do pray you are still well, and travelling. Went to Rye again last September and did my bit in my attire, the excuse was I went as Dr. Syn (the character in Russell Thorndyke’s books, vicar and smuggler of Romney Marsh) – thanks to a cousins ‘bet’ I raised a 4 figure sum for a cancer charity that day. We had a lot of fun so going again this Sept – in attire as Dr. Syn of course and to renew acquaintances in the town – as well as Mipps (Dr. Syn’s henchman – look him up). Every best wish, Frank.

  2. Lesley Peterson
    Lesley Peterson at |

    Rye sounds worth the walk, Colleen! You had me at mention of all those historically listed buildings. The fact that it’s a seaport makes it all the more intriguing.


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