6 Responses

  1. Barb Pearson
    Barb Pearson at |

    Fabulous that you are joining your hubby. We will be heading out that way in 2 weeks so please blog about the worthy spots on the way. I am thrilled to be able to shut the door behind us and leave “regular life” behind for awhile.

  2. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    I totally get this. My life seems to be on a permanent rinse & repeat cycle, and yet it all seems so delicate and my presence necessary. I like that Kevin pushes you to take a step or two sideways to look at things from another angle. I have to constantly remind myself that nobody dies if I take a break for a new perspective or press the ‘reset’ button on a day or week.

    So last night Diane and I got dinner on the table early enough to take out our 12′ Trixie in Sechelt Inlet for fishing, farting around, and some freedom under the full moon coming over the eastern hills. The fact that we nearly went insane from not catching a fish despite being in the middle of what seemed like thousands of them boiling all around us is beside the point! By the time we hauled out at almost 10, the boat all cockamamie on the trailer, we had definitely forgotten what work was like earlier in the day, for the fresh hell we were in was, well, fresher :P)

  3. Sand In My Suitcase
    Sand In My Suitcase at |

    Sounds like you have a plan! Have a wonderful time in Saskatchewan and London! And you’re right, sometimes when you’re away travelling you think you don’t really need everything you have at home – you can do with so much less. Probably all you need is your laptop, and then you can do what you do from anywhere in the world! Enjoy…


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