6 Responses

  1. Karen
    Karen at |

    WOW! Journal every day! Such discipline. I’ve tried a journal – was not happy reading the past messages as I could feel the “weight” of the past as was mentioned here. And I tried the Royal Conservatory route – was too heavy a harness as well. I am imagining the lightness of your spirit when it is allowed to write from inspiration rather than from dedication. I’m excitedly awaiting the “new lightness” of your blog!!

  2. Carol Wiebe
    Carol Wiebe at |

    You don’t need to make any declarations or decisions on the matter whatsoever. You can simply write on the days you feel like it, and leave the journal alone when you don’t. You seem to be saying you want to be free of the compulsion to write, that you doubt if it is still serving your needs. Perhaps you crave another way to explore your inner reaches, like meditation or art.

    As to what to do with your boxes of journals, here’s a question for you: when you look at them, do they feel like they are a weight you must bear or a treasure to re-explore? I would say they are exactly what you wrote in your last line, holy shit.

  3. Liz Jansen
    Liz Jansen at |

    Hi Colleen,
    Never associated the Royal Conservatory drill with adult protocols. You’ve given me new insights. Thank you! And good luck!!



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