Tripping Out – Where’s Waldo?


“Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

View from Bridges - Colleen Friesen
View from Bridges – Colleen Friesen


The last box is off the deck here in our new Olympic Village home.

We’re down to dealing with some random pieces of furniture that don’t fit in our new space (anyone want to buy this desk?) and things are starting to look pretty organized, even though it’s mostly in a JFN (Just For Now) configuration.

Due to some logistics, we can’t finish dealing with the rest of our stuff in our Sechelt home until mid-October, so naturally there is only one thing a sensible person would do…

Go on a trip!





I’m flying with Air Transat to the U.K. for a press trip that will run September 4-11th. We’ll be checking out Buckingham Palace (hey Queenie!), doing some ziplining in Wales (what’s up with me  and all these ziplines?) hanging around Snowdon, ending in Glasgow and, if all goes according to plan,  generally having too much fun in too little time.


Air Transat Airbus A310


Kevin will fly over and join me on the 12th and then we’ll start our own tour. A little time in London, Paris, visiting some friends in Northern France and then up through Belgium, and finally hangin’ out in Holland for the last few days.

We’ll be back October 1st, just in time to get up to Sechelt and clean out the last of our stuff there.

Now all I have to do is find my suitcase…and my boots. Where are those boots?

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4 Responses

  1. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    If you have time, the Tin-Tin art museum in Brussels is a really great one, and our lunch in the museum cafe was one of our best meals of the trip. If you’re anywhere near Amsterdam, Alkmaar is just a short 20-30 minute train hop north, and has a beautiful little central village with windmill and surrounded by canals. It’s the home of the oldest cheese market in Europe so you know the cheese is amazing. We stayed in a hostel above a book store in one of the main lanes and it’s roomy and very inexpensive and the people who run it are lovely. You can see the huge steeple by the cheese market square and listen to its music across the rooftops. There’s a certifiably weird little ‘Beatles Museum’, I think the largest outside of the one in England. He also has obscure cds and records from other artists and is a font of Beatles trivia, which is interesting even from a statistical curiosity standpoint! We loved Alkmaar and would really like to go back. Have a great time!


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