4 Responses

  1. Jana Botkin
    Jana Botkin at |

    Colleen, you nailed it. I just say NO to magazines and teevee. With so many interesting blogs such as yours, why bother with all that visual noise that only produces discontent? Thanks for writing this!

  2. Lesley Peterson
    Lesley Peterson at |

    So true, Colleen. I’m not so bothered by magazines, which I consider art more than reality, but I feel sad when I see television commercials depicting ‘typical’ parents happilly chasing the kids around a home the size of a Hollywood set. Sets people up not just to feel envy but (even worse) guilt, a sense of failure for not being able to afford or provide that for their loved ones. You’re so right, Colleen, the solution is to savour life’s pleasures as they happen without letting media intrude on the moment.


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