It all takes time.
But check this…I can now almost walk on our patio!
Mostly it works if I sorta scooch sideways and think super-thin thoughts while I manouevre between the random items. The area still looks like a sad vignette from the island of forgotten toys. There are things leaning on each other; the to-be-sold headboard, the to-be-sold huge corner desk set, rolled up area rugs, leather dining chairs (that are probably too large although we won’t know that until we figure out where we could possibly stuff a table), boxes of office stuff, two lamps, boxes of framed pictures…it goes on.
There are other parts of the apartment that are starting to fit together. The bedroom is slowly beginning to function with only several bags stuffed under the bed. Our plans for the flex space (seriously, who names these areas, why not just call it Random Teeny Closet Area??) is revealing itself as the ultimate pantry, but only once we remove the door and add in shelving. All of it is a head-scratching puzzle on how to maximize each bit of space.
And because we have to move each thing to make the next thing fit, we end up with lots of random bits stored in stacked boxes until the next piece of the puzzle is solved. The operational accronymn is JFN (Just For Now).
As in, “JFN, let’s put the cooking utensils in this box until we go to Ikea, buy the utensil bar that we had to leave behind at the last apartment, install the utensil bar, wait a day for the glue to dry and then actually hang and make use of our cooking implements!”
Simply making a salad is the ultimate game of Where’s Waldo (or, more correctly, that fun game called Where The Hell is the Salad Bowl?).
But each day, each hour, our little ship gets more organized. We are both loving the kitchen and seeing the potential for some mighty fine dinners.
And, whenever we shove some of the aforementioned random stuff to one side? We can see that the deck is going to be a fabulous outdoor living room.
I love waking to the sound of the little birds and gulls in the green courtyard and going to sleep to the sound of the splashing fountains.
If home is where the heart is?
We’re home.
Colleen, beware of the dread condition, previously known only to Alaska but now pervasive everywhere, called “Alaska (or insert your own area here) Temporary/Permanent”. Symptoms include a sudden onset of ennui regarding home improvements and/or the onset of a new outdoor passion which makes it impossible to rationalize your indoor space.
Mandy, we have absolutely no room for any complicated outdoor endeavours that include large and complicated equipment. Hiking boots and poles are about the max. As for the home improvements, once this baby is set up, there’s nothing to fix…unless I suddenly feel compelled to paint everything (which is not likely, at least not yet).
I must have been being particularly obscure–what I meant is that other interests seem to take over any long term project, like building or remodeling one’s home, leaving said home without carpet or flooring, or wrapped entirely in Tyvek instead of its proper siding, or simply not having the window trim or cove base installed before one moves in!
Ha! Gotchya now Mandy
That happened to us in Sechelt…we’d start a large project and then go hiking or something instead of finishing it. It all got too daunting!
But we have no excuse here. This place is all finished, there are no gutters to clean, no walls to move, and now that all the boxes are unpacked, it would seem I have no excuses to do anything except get outside and enjoy life!
Hey, do you have a sheepskin rug you don’t have room for? I’m looking for one.
Also, I will gladly provide a home for your chocolate if you have more than space allows. I know, it is an offer beyond selflessness but I make it only with your best interests at heart.
Recently, I assisted a client who’s home was cluttered to the extent of minimal pathways. They let go of over 50% of there ‘stuff’ and they still have lots. We are in interesting species and I love reading your posts. You sound like you are on an amazing inner/outer journey. Well done!
Elinor, you truly are a selfless woman with your offer of chocolate storage. I wish I could take you up on it but chocolate is one thing that takes up no space as it’s gone the second I buy it
We are almost to the point of seeing our deck. I should rephrase that, we know where the stuff is going, just haven’t got it all delivered yet.
The place is really coming together in a way that feels functional. Now we just have to get back to Sechelt and make the final assault!
It makes me feel sick that i asked you to bring something the other night when you are living in the middle of chaos. I hope you can forgive me. For now i can store your dishes until you find a place to put them and if you don’t, well they have found a wonderful new home LOL.
Ah Barb, considering you’ve been living as the Queen of the Ultimate Chaos & Renovation, I think my little hiccup of boxes is not even worthy of mention! We are clearing a space for those dishes to live…should be able to pull it off any minute!