8 Responses

  1. Mandy
    Mandy at |

    Colleen, beware of the dread condition, previously known only to Alaska but now pervasive everywhere, called “Alaska (or insert your own area here) Temporary/Permanent”. Symptoms include a sudden onset of ennui regarding home improvements and/or the onset of a new outdoor passion which makes it impossible to rationalize your indoor space.

  2. Elinor Warkentin AKA Goddess of Clutter-Clearing
    Elinor Warkentin AKA Goddess of Clutter-Clearing at |

    Hey, do you have a sheepskin rug you don’t have room for? I’m looking for one. 🙂

    Also, I will gladly provide a home for your chocolate if you have more than space allows. I know, it is an offer beyond selflessness but I make it only with your best interests at heart.

    Recently, I assisted a client who’s home was cluttered to the extent of minimal pathways. They let go of over 50% of there ‘stuff’ and they still have lots. We are in interesting species and I love reading your posts. You sound like you are on an amazing inner/outer journey. Well done!

  3. Barb P.
    Barb P. at |

    It makes me feel sick that i asked you to bring something the other night when you are living in the middle of chaos. I hope you can forgive me. For now i can store your dishes until you find a place to put them and if you don’t, well they have found a wonderful new home LOL.


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