6 Responses

  1. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    testing the comment form with spam-free wordpress activated; I had to shut it off when your users couldn’t submit comments. Let’s see if the updates worked!

  2. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    Colleen, we are living vicariously through you!
    You have jumped through a leap of faith, and it must be wonderful to
    shed the items you no longer need in a daily way! Very Buddhist!.
    I do think after all the emotions and doubts clear, that your life will
    be so much simpler and uncluttered! Good for you!

  3. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    Colleen, we are right there with you! Our youngest son is off to college in less than a year and we’re definitely in purging / organizing / taking-a-step-back-and-looking-at-the-junk we’ve crammed into our huge home. More junk drawers = more junk. Truth.

    We’re just starting along the downsizing path and I’m really very excited. Almost as though I’m physically going to lose weight with every box of Legos and broken down transistor (remember those?) radios I find new homes for. I feel fat. House fat. Too many of everything and not enough real space.

    Our youngest doesn’t believe we can do it–downsize from a 5-bathroom home that was once filled with the chaos of 4 children, a dog, a cat and one mother in law — to a less than 1200 square foot apt in the city. He’s only known this life. (Wait till he sees his dorm room!).

    I am enjoying following you on this new journey of yours. As hard as it is to part with “things” sometimes, there is such a lightness when you let go.


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