12 Responses

  1. Laurie M
    Laurie M at |

    As someone who places a great deal of emphasis upon personal dignity, I am offended at the overall tone of this piece. Puritanesque (whoops, typed Putinesque, had to go back and retype) and dutiful application of labour is the foundation of a life well-lived… blah blah blah.

    I just scored a free Eddie Bauer stroller for our two elderly pugs, and if that isn’t the definition of silliness and willingness to ignore scorn and ridicule, I don’t know what is!

    I know what you mean about the difference between the invisible and ‘behind the scenes’; my work is living on the Sunshine Coast and sharing the experience, so literally everything is fodder for the work hopper. Every image snapped, every new discovery feels like a story that must be blogged after copious amount of time editing images, and there are never enough hours in the day to complete the projects in my head. So the idea of swinging in a hammock or just laying at the beach, or taking a day for playland, grabbing a gravol and hitting the rides seems ridiculously irresponsible.

    But you give me hope with your winsome posts, and I remember: get off the computer, put the camera down, and PLAY. XO

  2. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    You go girl! I may hop along beside you! Keep that little Colleen alive! 🙂

  3. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    Travelling all over the world, writing blogs, moving house – I would not say that’s doing nothing! but I think it is important to stay in tune with your inner self, the child within you. It is something that I’ve always tried to do – please the child within me.

    You’ll stay happier if you follow that track.

  4. Julie
    Julie at |

    Ah, Colleen…I think it’s a menopausal-woman thing. We are precisely the same age, and your blog posts read as though you’ve been living inside my brain. I taught myself to swim this year…a conscious effort to live more playfully and less fearfully.

    Thanks, too, for ‘fessing up about the reality of those press trips–all of a sudden one day I just couldn’t do it anymore…so now I pay the full ride but enjoy as many hours as I want beachside! 😉

    Where are you downtown? We should connect…I live near Stanley Park…


  5. Irene Thiessen
    Irene Thiessen at |

    I’ve heard that pool noodles can be very helpful with this:)

  6. gwen
    gwen at |

    Great (as always!) I’ve been feeling much the same lately–When did I become so self-conscious? Afraid to do something that might look silly. Why do we shrink into ourselves as we get older?

    Well, I’m with you, Colleen. I’m ready to “mindlessly frolic.”


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