6 Responses

  1. Jim
    Jim at |

    Thanks for the kind words Colleen. Home exchanging has quite literally changed our lives in so many ways, not the least of which is that my daughter Madison was actually born at home, while on an exchange! I suspect that was a first. But more recently, it’s allowed us to cost effectively travel. And, as you know, we love to travel. In the last year we’ve done exchanges (4) in Sardinia, Kauai, Newport Beach, CA and Redondo Beach, CA. We’ve also hosted a number of people from around the world in our home in Todos Santos, including YOU! A great way to pay it forward. Now as part of the team, I’m hoping I can share my good fortune with others. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Brian Luckhurst at Home Exchange 50plus
    Brian Luckhurst at Home Exchange 50plus at |

    Hi Colleen

    I am sure you will love Home Exchanging, it is such a great concept and I am really surprised that more people don’t travel this way, although it is becoming more and more popular. For your info, there are three basics types of Home Exchange – A traditional Home Exchange is when you exchange homes at the same time, a non-simultaneous exchange, which offers more flexibility, is when one or both of you have alternative accommodation available and Hospitality Exchange is the third type and this is when you take turns staying as guests in each other’s homes.

    If and when you start the process, one thing I recommend to our members is to fully communicate with your potential swap partner to really get to know them prior to the actual exchange.

    I am looking forward to reading all about your future swaps and your other articles.




  3. Lesley Peterson
    Lesley Peterson at |

    98% of home exchangers are interested in cultural heritage–sounds like something I should look into!

  4. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    Now that sounds wonderful! Someday we’ll try a home exchange, and I’ve been meaning to get to Baja for the last 30 years, especially since my aunt and uncle winter there and launch off for explorations of South America and islands in the South Pacific.

    Lucky for all these folks to have met YOU.


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