6 Responses

  1. Martha
    Martha at |

    Friends of ours told us about Jerome so we included that one too … quite incredible how those buildings cling to the mountainside, and so many hairpin turns and so many changes in the weather on the way back to Phoenix. I recall our GPS took us miles and miles out of the way while I kept referring to the much shorter route indicated on the map.

  2. Judy Walls
    Judy Walls at |

    Sedona, a dream of mine!! Inlet crabs soon!! Whatta life! Hi to Susan.

  3. Martha
    Martha at |

    Colleen, I loved our visit to Sedona two years ago, but it was in March when the temp was perfect in the high 70s.
    We’d rented a 2 bedroom condo in Phoenix so Christine joined us for a couple of weeks. Our day trip to Sedona was memorable — esp the gorgeous rusty red Sedona Ridge and surrounding countryside. Sedona is a real tourist town with all those little shops and the scenic backdrop.


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