18 Responses

  1. Martha
    Martha at |

    Colleen, it’s sad that my last memory of her is being judgemental. You’ve got it right — we just need to lighten up and have fun and live with more joy!

  2. Martha
    Martha at |

    Colleen, it’s good to know she had another side. My last memory of her was at Dad & Katie’s when I was a married adult. She delivered a lecture to those in the dining room — looking straight at me — on the importance of going to church. It was her last visit and I think she had cancer at the time. Perhaps she was just trying to secure her spot in heaven.

  3. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    You are so right Colleen. A treat or two sometimes make you feel good (even if it is not what you should be eating!). You certainly appreciate it more than if it was a current occurrence.

  4. Martha
    Martha at |

    Great post Colleen! That comment from Aunt Gert softened my attitude towards her. A coke, eh, well I never. She always seemed so authoritarian, so stern — this is right and that is WRONG. Surely, a coke would just be wrong. I wondered what she had in common with Uncle Able — always a mischievious twinkle in his eyes.

  5. Amy
    Amy at |

    Great post! I totally agree with your assertion that sometimes a Coke or a sticky bun are the truest path to wellbeing.

  6. remy
    remy at |

    Timeless wisdom there, Colleen. Life is a short-term loan . . . makes sense to live it up before the lease is up.

  7. Jane Ince
    Jane Ince at |

    I always love your writing! You could be writing about the people one would meet in Hell and it would still be fun…

  8. Sharon Oddie Brown
    Sharon Oddie Brown at |

    A wonderful, thoughtful article. Well done.

  9. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    I love this post. And yes, cheers to your Aunt and your Mother in heaven enjoying a chilled treat.


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