6 Responses

  1. Jane Davidson
    Jane Davidson at |

    What a beautiful post and a beautiful reflection on prayer. You speak my thoughts – only way more eloquently than I ever could. Grateful to start my day with this. Thank you, Colleen.

  2. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    I believe that if somebody prays for you, you will feel supported by their prayer. It has been known that sick people have gone better supported by the thought that people were thinking of them and centering their thoughts on that person.

  3. Barb
    Barb at |

    What a fantastic post! I “pray” for that kind of wisdom Colleen. Funny that i have just come up with a new mantra of my own: “I am enough” and “I have enough”. It has been very comforting to me and gives me that sense of peace that i too have been craving.


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