8 Responses

  1. Laurie McConnell
    Laurie McConnell at |

    What if it were ‘fair’? Chances are we would rail against that, too. I’m so glad I took the time when my kids were little to let them throw themselves to the mall floor, writhing and crying, until they finally sat up exhausted and ready to DEAL. Holding up the white card with the 7 out of 10 points judgement was a bit over the top, I grant you, as was saying, “The Russian judge says NYET, no originality,” but they seem to have survived it nicely.

    My point is, that once we are Old Enough To Know Better, all the fun is gone out of tantrums and attempts to befriend wisdom (you’re my friend, right?) are so much more satisfying.

  2. Jana Botkin
    Jana Botkin at |

    Once I asked a friend a question, meant to be rhetorical, “Who said that life has to be fair?”

    She answered, “Ummm, I dunno, Benjamin Franklin?”


  3. Elinor
    Elinor at |

    I like the “I choose my action”, not reaction, because I, like you, often react from a much younger me than the ‘mature’ current age 53. 🙂

  4. Sharry
    Sharry at |

    A friend posted on Facebook that she’d overheard this in a conversation: “You can do two things in life: talk yourself into it or talk yourself out of it.” I don’t know why, but this blog post reminded me of that FB post. Seems like it’s all about choosing how you see situations and then choosing your reactions to them. I’m learning.


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