6 Responses

  1. Carol Perehudoff
    Carol Perehudoff at |

    I meant ‘it does slow you down.’ No, I meant travel slows time down. I mean … I need more caffeine.

  2. Carol Perehudoff
    Carol Perehudoff at |

    Oh, you wild-eyed woman. It’s true about travelling – does slow down. It’s like one of those kids’ books where you go through the wardrobe live a whole life and come back and nothing has changed. The lesson to be learned? Travel keeps you young … well, maybe except for the hot flashes.

  3. Jana Botkin
    Jana Botkin at |

    Teeheehee, Colleen, this is so freakin’ true! I have wake-and-bake sessions every night.

    Love the way you reframe things – instead of getting bowed up about interrupted sleep, you use the time wisely and just adapt. Very admirable!


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