8 Responses

  1. Mary E
    Mary E at |

    You know I haven’t been writing lately and I miss that big inky black sea; I love the searchy graspy part of going into that space. So well put, as you always do. When I read your blog I am always reinspired in so many ways. I’ve been cleaning sinks. Time to write. Because.

  2. barb
    barb at |

    What’s wrong with a clean sink I ask you? Every self respecting Dyck has one!

  3. Martha
    Martha at |

    I love your similies, metaphors, descriptive writing and perimenopausal angst. As for the menopause, this too shall pass, and you will realize cleaning the sink is not a priority … haha, whenever you say something like that, it reminds me of your mother.
    As a fellow Gemini, I salute you!

  4. sarah
    sarah at |

    So much gnashing about writing – a whole industry of books on how to get yourself to sit down and write them! This one, tho, looks interesting – but I have to admit I am not too curious about how or why others write – maybe because I know now why I do it. I write because I’m better at it than I am at life.


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