10 Responses

  1. Karen Gamble
    Karen Gamble at |

    Kindness – experienced the flood of kindness when I suddenly became separated and my life as I expected disappeared. And from that kindness, I found my way to love again. How powerful to have a poem sent to me to feel the appreciation for the kindness I have in my life. Thank you, Colleen.

  2. Martha
    Martha at |

    Beautiful poem! The second verse reminded me of an incident from our last day in Vegas this past week. As we were walking back to our hotel around ll pm we saw cars swerving around a large object taking up half the lane — it was a man — dead drunk! Bob helped him onto the sidewalk but the guy couldn’t even sit up. We alerted the police who said they would look after him, but I wonder what happened … so sad.

  3. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    Beautifully written!
    Good to imagine walking in someone else’s shoes to
    Understand the true gravity of their life!

  4. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    I like this. A kind word, a ready smile make your existence more pleasant. You do not feel such a stranger.

  5. Sharry
    Sharry at |

    Beautiful. I’m excited that she’s going to be the keynote speaker at the Kachemak Bay Writers’ Conference in Homer, Alaska next June.


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