11 Responses

  1. Martha
    Martha at |

    Colour me green!

  2. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    This sounds like an idyllic place. Thank you for sharing.

  3. mandy
    mandy at |

    Oh, I am so envious. When I got up in the dark this morning at 7:45 it was 15 degrees Farenheit. I went to work with the car heater going full blast, and it took about 1.5 miles to get warm, because I had to leave the car out of the garage last night. I took a walk at about 4 when I got home and it was all of 30 degrees–minus 2 Celsius. It’s now dusk, will be dark in 30 minutes, and it’s only 6 p.m. OK, so the bad trigger words here? Work, cold and dark. Boo hoo!

  4. Karen
    Karen at |

    I say buy! Sounds like a wonderful place and a wonderful holiday 🙂

  5. Carol Perehudoff
    Carol Perehudoff at |

    Oh, wow I wish I had been there for that breakfast. And the shrimp dish. And the lounging. Yoga? Not so much. Sounds as if you’re having an AMAZING time.

  6. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    I hope you’ll be back again soon…maybe as a neighbour!


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