10 Responses

  1. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    Well done! The barkings of the dogs are obviously a source of inspiration. Follow them, mingle in their wild dreams and creativity will happen.

  2. sarah
    sarah at |

    I’ve always thought a calendar of “The Dogs Of Guatemala” would be fun and to that end somewhere have shots of mangy, not always four-legged beauts in doorways and on streets, asleep curled around a chimney, looking beseechingly up through that one good eye…

  3. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    Fantastic .. it sounds like you’re fitting right into the Mexico zone. Strangely enough my home here doesn’t have any nightime barking dogs this year and the rooster has figured out to begin crowing at 6:00 am rather than all-night as he used to. So it’s quiet– I haven’t had to use my noise cancelling headphones once ;). Stock up on Benedryl though, there’s a surge of scorpions in Oaxaca this season. I did battle with one a few days ago.

  4. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    What are you doing THERE? It is bizarre seeing photos of the Coast forest one day and Mexico the next… what wanderlust. I love the soundscape you made here – we get so focused on controlling every aspect of our ‘environment’ sometimes that it completely dominates the creative spirit, doesn’t it? More and more I work to give over to what is actually in my life instead of trying to mangle it into submission – to the point that I sleep through the snores of my beloved and our pugs, and can nap in the middle of a busy room. Never thought the day would come. Oh, wait, I don’t think I’m supposed to be napping…

  5. Sharry
    Sharry at |

    Congratulations! I hope the rest of your stay is both productive and fun.


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