4 Responses

  1. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    Hi Colleen,
    I would like to agree with you, but NO we are not learning from our past mistakes. We’ve become more sophisticated but the need to control eveything is still with us. Now salmon do not run freely, they turn round and round – 50,000 of them in a salmon pen until they are sucked out in a big pipe, killed, gutted and sent for processing. In 1894 they lived a normal life now they are farmed until there won’t be any left. We could witness this sad state of affairs – but don’t worry, Man, in all its glory, will find a substitute fish-related palatable foodstuff! This winter I had the opportunity to visit a Sardine Canning Museum in Norway started in 1879 in Stavanger. It was interesting to see the machinery and the scissors used by the “klippersker” the women cutters of the sardines’ heads until 1905.

  2. sarah
    sarah at |

    I like to think we are learning. Alas, we are still working on the template of the white male capitalist model… and the delusion that it is all just THERE for us. Steveston looks lovely, I’d like to go there. Next trip your way, we will.


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