Writer in Residence

Green Light


“You can’t leave one trip without knowing you’ve got the next one booked, eh?” said Kevin. He was laughing of course…and just to be clear, he was completely supportive of the whole idea too. It was our last week in France and I had just been accepted to a writer’s residency in Oaxaca, Mexico.

I’d thought about doing a writer’s residency for years. But it was this year’s trip to San Miguel de Allende, where I met the lovely Sarah Stonich, that the idea gelled. Sarah told me she’d done a few different residencies and had found them to be extremely helpful in her writing. Considering the list of fabulous books with her name on the cover, I decided to give it a whirl.

She sent me a link to a list of Writing Residencies and I started to go through the list while we were in France. Between that one and Mira’s List, I had a lot to choose from. I wanted one that was easy to get to and a similar time zone and one that was taking bookings sooner than later (NOT because I have an issue with needing immediate gratification…uh, no, that’s NOT why…no really, that’s not it).

So. I’m accepted into Arquetopia in Oaxaca for three weeks starting at the end of September. Coincidentally, that should be about the time the Vancouver heavens darken and the rains start their unremitting drizzle.

I  have taken another emminently-qualified writer’s advice (thank you Andreas Schroeder) to keep mum about what I’m planning to write. I like that idea, especially since I don’t really know what’s actually going to happen while I’m in Oaxaca.

But I know he’s right. I have discovered that talking about what I’m going to write seems to bleed the life from the actual writing.

This is a solo plan. No feedback from friends or other writers, no writing group, just me and some scrambled up words on a page. Rather terrifying to comtemplate, but therein lies the very reason to do it. One is supposed to face one’s fears now isn’t one? (insert imperious voice here).

As Andreas said, “You need to stretch yourself if you’re going to grow as a writer.”  I do agree, though I have to think that when they stretched those people on that medieval rack, it didn’t always turn out for the best.

What I like about this pending trip is it removes my excuse about being unable to travel and write (which I whinged about here). I will have the best of both worlds…the happy discoveries of being Somewhere Else but with no other distractions.

All I’m there to do is write. No friends. No husband. No family. No pool. No pets. Nada.

No excuses.


12 Responses

  1. Gwen Morrison
    Gwen Morrison at |

    Colleen, thanks for your well wishes and YES I know you love random. The older I get, the more RANDOM things I want to be doing…Am loving life. Just need to travel more! Am really missing my writing days–

  2. Lori Henry
    Lori Henry at |

    What a great idea! I haven’t done one of these but, like you, I have been thinking about it for years. Can’t wait to hear all about it. 🙂

  3. Gwen Morrison
    Gwen Morrison at |

    Thanks Colleen! One day. One day. Hey, I did launch my new travel site finally. More of a food / wine / travel …randomness site but would love your feedback. See my new site at http://eatdrinknplay.com

  4. sarah
    sarah at |

    That space looks amazing, lovely, with the perfect texture of walls to stare at for inspiration (and they feed you, yes?)

  5. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    Congratulations! I hope you’ll add on a few days and come visit me in Puerto Escondido. I’ll be there all September and it’s a short bus ride from Oaxaca City. Or I can come up to Oaxaca City and see you once you’re out of retreat mode. Mexico seems to be our new meet-up place!

  6. Gwen Morrison
    Gwen Morrison at |

    Woohoo! Can I be envious? Just a little? Congrats! You will love it, I’m sure!


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