12 Responses

  1. Carol Perehudoff
    Carol Perehudoff at |

    Okay, but I’m still going for the potions.

  2. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    Right on Collette!I feel empowered just reading your blog.
    I love the French attitude to be comfortable with the woman
    you are and are becoming.
    It is so attractive to be around people who are comfortable
    in their own skin. Lovely!

  3. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    Happy Birthday Colleen, or should I say Colette ! French women learn early on in their youths to apply make-up and look after themselves. They also choose their clothes with style and care. As they become older, beautiful women are inspirational and make you feel more secure about your own future to see how attractive and confident it is possible to be even even when you are no longer a girl. If more women felt like this in the world, we would all feel a little more relaxed about the passing years because we could feel that we have something to look forward to with pleasure.

  4. Jana
    Jana at |

    Happy Birthday, Colleen. No matter how old you are, I’ll always be a year older.

    I SO GET what you are saying about men and women and aging in this country. Not sure where I fall – if my hair was gray, would I feel differently about coloring it? If my wrinkles were really pronounced, would I have a different view of botox?

    I am trying to just be thankful for my health, do the best I can with my looks without obsessing, and move on.


  5. Sharry
    Sharry at |

    Way to go, Collette! I frequently say that I’m glad to have reached an age at which I really don’t care (so much) what others think of me. I wrote on my sketchbook a quote I am unable to attribute at the moment: What other people think of me is none of my business!

  6. Mandy Hale
    Mandy Hale at |

    Amen amen amen Collette!!! I’m way ahead of you in the age department, but marching along beside in the attitude. Maiden, mother, crone–we need to learn to embrace all these stages of our lives and revel in who we’ve become.


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