10 Responses

  1. Monica | The Travel Hack
    Monica | The Travel Hack at |

    Thanks for sharing. This is a great idea and definitely something I’ll look out for. House sitting on a tropical island would definitely be a dream come true!

  2. Francesca
    Francesca at |

    Thanks for sharing! This is new to me. In case someone does not want to housesit even their own, I have found a great trip for Grandparents and Grandkids. Some spots still available for the July 29-August 3, 2012 trip. If I was a nanna, I’d definitely sign up! Priceless! http://www.sierraclub.org/outings/national/brochure/12215b.aspx

  3. barb
    barb at |

    Oh yes, let the boys go hunting! I think we both deserve a “sabbatical’ by now. I’m going to check that option out as well, thanks Sarah.

  4. sarah
    sarah at |

    Sabbatical Homes (which surely you know about but maybe your readers don’t) it’s a less $ alternative for all kinds of housing and you DON”T have to be a prof or in academia to do it.

  5. barb
    barb at |

    I too subscribe to the Caretaker Gazette and dream of the day when i will be housesitting on some tropical island. I think your TPP is a wonderful idea!


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