8 Responses

  1. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    Remember the story of the little boy who kept hitting his head with a hammer because it felt so good when he stopped? Imagine the relief after a migraine leaves… you can’t realize how utterly blissful it is to be without a nauseating, sweat/chill-inducing, aurally magnifying, tinfoil tasting, vertigo inducing headache. People who have never had them can never know how absolutely frickingtackulous it is to NOT have one.

  2. Carol Wiebe
    Carol Wiebe at |

    You are writing. You are writing posts. A post is not a building, or even a whole fence, but it is writing. Just do it a little longer.

  3. Becca
    Becca at |

    I consider myself so lucky that I’ve never had migraines. I have several friends who suffer terribly with them.

    Maybe someday you will really be able to use the migraine experience in your writing…a character who has them? a doctor who cures them?

    Feel better!

  4. Sharon Oddie Brown
    Sharon Oddie Brown at |

    Tomorrow is when I am starting back to work & writing, so I believe that you have it exactly right.


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