4 Responses

  1. Jana
    Jana at |

    I found your blog through Laura Fraser’s blog and have been enjoying it!

    2 thoughts on patience for you:

    1. My grandmother said “Patience isn’t stifled impatience. It is love quietly waiting.”

    2. Knitting gives me patience in annoying situations!

  2. Becca
    Becca at |

    Aren’t we all working to progress? I do find that I’m generally more patient now than I was when I was younger. But I still have those days when I find myself tied up in knots over every inconvenience.

    I do like that phrase “Lack of faith in oneself and the Divine gives rise to impatience.” There’s much to ponder there. You’re liable to see that in a blog post of mine one of these days 🙂


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