The Christmas Balancing Act


We are fully into the silly season.

I say that in the kindest possible way.

But still, the kitchen counter is stacked with new cookie tins (empty),  Christmas baking magazines sit beside that pile, dog-eared to AMAZING baking ideas (unbaked), there are lists of presents to buy (unpurchased), other lists of projects I want to make for people (unmade), and upstairs my two computers are staring at each other, one is open to the writing project I want to be working on (and sporadically attack – that’s good right?) and the other open to iMovie (wishing that Mac was living next door so he could help me!). As well, the business side of my writing to-do list has an appalling lack of check marks.

Oh, and my poor, poor yoga mat is gathering dust.

But this video puts my lame-o balancing act into perspective.

Thank you to Nico Calabria and SideStix for showing how to live with grace, gusto and true balance.


6 Responses

  1. Martha
    Martha at |

    WOW! I’m blown away.

  2. Sharry
    Sharry at |

    Wow! Just wow.

  3. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    Isn’t this amazing! Sarah sent it to me!
    This young lad doesn’t have a disability!!
    What an inspirational video!


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