We’ve just come off the mountain after an afternoon of skiing.
This kind of early-season activity could make me look like a keener. In fact, given this kind of behaviour, I could easily throw around comments like, “Skiing is my life!”
But, this is SO not true. I’m the fair-weather skier, the one who knocks off at every opportunity to have a latte in the lodge. I’m the one who downloads in the early afternoon and thinks that unless it’s perfect conditions (insert blue skies, mild temperatures and fresh, but lightly-groomed conditions here) one should spend the day in the steam room followed by a little shopping.
I’m not sure what shifted today. The conditions were a bit icy, the light was flat with low cloud and fog, my fingers were slightly frozen because I wore gloves instead of mitts…all things that normally send me back to the lodge.
But when we broke through the fog at the peak, the mountains surrounding us were brilliant; crisp as Christmas, white as an angel’s wing and the sky a clear blue that glowed like Jesus-rays streaming through stained glass.. I swear I heard a heavenly choir break into the Hallelujah chorus.
I believe I had an endorphin-induced epiphany. Then again, I could have been slightly hysterical due to the quivering nature of my contorted thigh muscles. When did skiing become so bloody hard??
Which brings me to my Travel Announcement; I will do a FUN recreational activity a minimum of once a week.
Yes, I go for walks and do yoga and other exercisey things and they are certainly pleasurable, but schussing down the slopes definitely amps up the fun factor. I’m thinking of things like snowshoeing, tobogganing, hiking and other outdoor wintry things that get me out and interacting with Miz Momma Nature.
I best be careful. I have too many friends who hold me to account when I throw out these grand statements.
And for all I know, I’ve probably had this epiphany several times already and probably bored them with this exact same announcement. I don’t care. It’s news to me and I’m sticking with it.
Who knows? 2012 might be the Year of the Keener.
As you can tell on the Sunshine Coast everything is ramping up for a great season on Dakota Ridge. It may not be Whistler or Cypress, but snowshoeing or skate/cross-country skiing on the Coast is like going back to Whistler before it was, well, ‘Whistler’! I am so looking forward to getting up there snowshoeing and remember, you’re coming with me at least once!
p.s. I love the hysteria of the quivering thighs… when we were at Sun Peaks a couple of years ago I was so surprised at my skill level, having been away from skiing, for oh, a couple of decades. I was shushing right along until early afternoon when I suddenly felt I was using linguine legs – the desire was there but the muscles were long absent.
If you are having shaky legs what hope do the rest of us have, I ask you?
I am ready for Dakota Ridge. I see snowshoeing in my immediate future because the prospect of putting my ski boots back on in the next little while, well, it just might make me cry. Bring your linguine legs and I’ll bring my burning thighs and we shall conquer the snowshoe world.
I like your travel announcement. Glad to hear you had a good day on the slopes. I don’t ski since breaking my ankle years ago, but remember that wonderful feeling … esp relaxing in the hot tub afterward!
Hey Martha…the hot tub is definitely a highlight of the whole skiing experience 🙂 I’m writing this from Whistler’s Roundhouse; taking a break while Kevin skis…my thighs are screaming too loud for me to continue 🙂