Announcements or How Travel Changes Your Life

Offa's Dyke Path
Welsh Walls

I think this announcement thing started on one of our annual bike trips.

One of us would say, with some fanfare and much exclamation, “I have an announcement!”  These did not have to be earth-shattering announcements, but they often were.

They could range from, “I am going to get a pedicure once a month,” all the way to, “I am going to get a divorce.”  (Thankfully, that one hasn’t been trotted out too much.)

Karen Judd and I ramped the concept up while we were traveling in Africa, until we were each calling out announcements on a fairly regular basis.

I would say things like, “I am going to add more ginger to my life.” (I love Tangewizi soda we found in Africa – very gingery).

And on this recent trip to India, Viola Ann announced that she would be incorporating more dal into her life. An announcement I immediately seconded…

For me, it has now evolved into a necessity. On any trip, one needs to make announcements on a fairly regular basis. I think of them as direct and tangible plans/goals as a result of the trip. People talk all the time about how travel changes them. I like to know what the changes are going to be.

Clearly, my traveling girlfriends get it. It was Kevin that seemed to think it might be a tad dramatic. Sigh…

But on our walk in Wales…I nearly fell down in my tracks when he said in a very clear voice, “I have an announcement.”

“What?!” said I, jumping up and down.”Really?! You have an announcement!?” That was me, being oh-so-very casual…

“Every year,” he said, “I want to go on a walking, cycling and kayaking trip. They don’t have to be long…a couple days if that’s all we have, but three different active trips a year.”

Now THAT’S a good announcement.

I do believe he’s catching on.

4 Responses

  1. Heath Wilhelm
    Heath Wilhelm at |

    Just posted a link to this on Digg . This is so very true about people – all of it. A very good read with some great sources ! 🙂

  2. Laurie Beeman
    Laurie Beeman at |

    I like that idea!


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