6 Responses

  1. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    Love the pictures… and the idea of that pace is delightful. Here at home we are in to the fall storms, the first good one coming – of course – during the dragonboat regatta in Sechelt Inlet. Enjoy the heat… we’ve had to fire up the woodstoves here and I’ll be surprised if we retain power today the way the wind is blowing!

  2. barb
    barb at |

    Sounds like an amazing experience, sans the roaches which scare the **** out of me, but you always were the braver one. It is a joy to read about your experiences.

  3. DoraDueck
    DoraDueck at |

    Ah, Realization seems a virtue far superior to Generosity, especially when cockroaches are involved! I will resist the urge to share my long-ago story of sleeping “with” cockroaches in Paraguay. You at least have a sense of humor about it; I had none at all!


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