5 Responses

  1. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    Tis a rather abject observation… one burst of sunshine and we’re all waxing rhapsodically! (rhap-sod-ic: adjective; ‘immoderatley impassioned or enthusiastic; estatic’) Makes me wonder: if there is an apocalypse, I wouldn’t want to survive it for two reasons. One, probably the only people left are likely to be Tories in underground bunkers with no concept of sharing or common good, and two, just think of the weather. Ugh.

    I don’t even need to go to the gym today. Between weeding well past where my toe-touching exercises typically reach gave me great stretches; pulling clumpy dandelion roots gave my hands and forearms a dandy workout, and I can barely describe what pruning the butterfly bush accomplished. Think bicep/triceps whilst using a non-washboard stomach for leverage. I get this yard in shape and you might see me on one of those muscle-mags for women. (Ha. Ha.)

    Here’s to hoping we’re not away the only 10 days the lilacs are in bloom!

    Love your posts, but you’re too bloody reliable for a new-ish blogger. Rather like the sun coming up. Well. One can hardly grump at that.

  2. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    Glad you had a happy “good-to-be-alive” Friday! It’s so easy to forget how fragile it is and how little time we really have to fit it all in. Who has time NOT to be happy? Soak in the sun. Taste the air. Consume life. It’s something that I’m slowly figuring out.


  3. Sharry Miller
    Sharry Miller at |

    I just finished posting on my blog a bit about the signs of early spring, and now your post makes me consider how ephemeral everthing is, not just our lives. Nonetheless, what reasonable choice do we have but to keep looking for the signs of spring and daily reminding ourselves that it all does matter, even if only to oneself?

    By the way, I enjoyed meeting you last spring when my friend and I were cycling the sunshine coast, and I enjoy your blog, too. I just bought your book on my Kindle yesterday and am looking forward to reading it soon.


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