4 Responses

  1. Stephen Sell
    Stephen Sell at |

    I know it’s Friday and “ne blogez pas” until Monday, but thought I’d send this message anyway.

    Do not press any delate buttons on your novel or the curse of Black Angus of the Glen will be upon ye. That means that all the elastic in your knickers will fail.

    On, on.

    Oh yeah, and have a great weekend.

  2. Becca
    Becca at |

    As I contemplate leaving my day job in the next month, I wonder about the structure my new life will have. I’m a person who NEEDS structure and routine, but often I allow myself to fritter time away because I can’t make a decision about what I want to do.

    I like the sound of your weekdays, and knowing that it is possible even in “retirement” to maintain a healthy balance of order in your life.

    Have a great weekend 😉


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