4 Responses

  1. darcie friesen hossack
    darcie friesen hossack at |

    You may believe me when I tell you, shite shovelling is where most of the real work is done. Sylvia Petter, a writer friend who works as a CW professor, explained that my way of working is cantelevering, a method described to her by Peter Carey:

    “Start with 20 pages, strip back to the minimum. Take each bit and zoom in to the maximum, strip back to the essentials, add add, strip back, add add, strip back, etc.”

    Those 20 pages may stay ugly for years as I keep going back, reworking, then moving forward, going back, rethinking the point of view, going back, defoliating, going back, filling in… A slow, doubt-causing way to write.

    Sometimes, though, it’s just the view from the day that makes your pages look irredeemable. At one point, reading through the nearly final draft before publication, I had the terrible feeling that my publisher had made a mistake by taking me on. I took the day off from editing and went outside.

  2. barb
    barb at |

    Oh vey, wish i was there to give you a big hug. I can completely relate, except i am working in a different medium. Remember our old piano practicing days and how after many arduous hours suddenly a beautiful tune evolved out of all the clunking and banging. I have faith you are going to produce some beautiful music……


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