4 Responses

  1. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    Funny that we’re both writing about best-selllers! But as you told me just last week, keep at it. I managed 9,000 words – not great ones – this week but I feel like I’m moving forward at least. Feel free to join me in Mexico ..there’s a 2 BR casa coming up.

  2. widdershins
    widdershins at |

    That’s a very cool video.. I’ve seen it around the traps a few times and it never gets stale….

    …. when I get stuck like that I have a good cry too, make a good stiff cup of tea, and write some more… but… not for ANYONE else in the whole world to read… so there’s no-one to judge it, or comment, or review or edit… just words for ME… then I put it in my ‘story ideas’ file and forget about it..

    … if that doesn’t work I recommend a good long walk/bike ride/run/ski … anything that will shift you physically through the world….

    … if that doesn’t work…. try a bottle of wine and great sex!… hey, it can’t hurt, right?


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