8 Responses

  1. retirebyforty
    retirebyforty at |

    Hi Colleen,
    Your story is very inspirational. I subscribed to your site so I can keep tab of you and dream what I could be doing when I “engage.” 🙂
    Thanks for stopping by my site.
    Merry Christmas and have a great holidays!!!

  2. widdershins
    widdershins at |

    So, if I’ve done the math, you’re fifty-ish … and given relatively good health, you could make the ton (cricket expression for 100) … and with the knowledge that its possible to write a book a year…. you’ve got at least another fifty in you!

  3. Lori Henry
    Lori Henry at |

    You’re so cool, Colleen. 🙂

  4. Sharon
    Sharon at |

    You were both amazing when you retired 14 years ago – and you both still totally rock today. I won’t go into what “engaged” has entailed for the two of you, but for those who don’t know you, you have both committed major good in the world since then.

    I keep learning from you about how best to live a life.


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