6 Responses

  1. cara
    cara at |

    I love this post and the photo. I agree that it’s hard to describe to someone why you love meditating so much. I use holosync and try to get in my one hour a day. I read a great article that captured the sensual intensity of meditation: http://spiritlibrary.com/neale-donald-walsch/sitting-meditation
    I love the way your post captures the simplicity of it, to “keep showing up, to witness my thoughts and recognize that those fleeting word clouds do not necessarily represent any exacting Truth.” I love that. I’m adding this post to my-delicious.

  2. gwen
    gwen at |

    Yes, yes! I think that is amazing. I’m game.

  3. gwen
    gwen at |

    Wow. I really loved this post. Have you seen the “Eat, Pray, Love” movie? I read book and saw movie. Have never meditated before and would love to….maybe you’ll give me a crash course when we get together in Santa Rosa Beach?


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