Waiting for Writing Inspiration

Waiting for the Words
Underwood in the Underbrush

This is what happens if one waits for the words to come.

Apparently, one needs to write even when the skies fail to part to reveal the muse floating down toward your keyboard. ..because that really doesn’t happen that often.

And the bigger concern would be if it did.

I feel like I’m finally getting caught up since my return from the TMAC conference. I can actually see that I’m also going to have a little more outdoor time. This is rather exciting because it’s getting a bit warmer each day. Might be time to tune up the bicycle and go for a ride. 

The other part of being caught up is there are no excuses left as to why I can’t get back to work on the memoir. Last week, I had a great morning on my mini retreat at the Listel but now I need to incorporate that same plan here at home.  It suddenly feels possible.

Meanwhile, I’ve gotten back to reading this great blog about writing memoir. It seems a tad more sane than waiting for the aforementioned muse-in-the-clouds thing. Besides, I can’t keep looking forever skyward in the hopes that something will start my head in flames. Apparently it’s just that old butt-in-the-chair program that works.

I’m back to the basics and my most successful formula; Read, Walk & Write. 

Right now I’m reading Great Expectations, Acedia & Me, Mr. Pip and the Noonday Demon.  Of course, secretly I know that I don’t have to worry about bringing a sustained attention span to any of this because in less than a month I’ll be flying to St. Lucia, Barbuda & Antigua. 

I think that’s my other secret to managing my less-than-stellar focus…just keep breaking it up. Mini-routines and then pack a bag and fly, baby, fly. The moss-free rolling stone plan…Yeh, that’s it.

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