6 Responses

  1. Hansje
    Hansje at |

    Don’t know that one either I’m afraid. I have a somewhat personal question for you if you don’t mind. What made you start this blog and how do you work with it? I am asking because I love to write, but I can’t think of a reason to start a blog or anything like that. Is this for your work?
    Hope you don’t mind me asking,

    1. colleenfriesen
      colleenfriesen at |

      No problem at all. I do quite a bit of travel for my travel writing articles and so many great things I discover don’t make it into any articles. I love doing this blog because it’s a way of immediately sharing great finds or discoveries…whether it’s through travel, film or reading a good book.
      I love the instant gratification of publishing exactly when I want to as well. I’m actually looking into a new format and look for this wordpress blog, so stay tuned:)
      Most bloggers will tell you that you should have more of a focused theme with what you write about in order to create more of a “following” but I don’t really care. I get to write about what I want, when I want and have the satisfaction of seeing it online instantly – unfortunately, including the unedited mistakes, but there’s the cost I guess.
      Wordpress definitely makes it easy. Nothing to lose if you decide to try it and then don’t follow through. It’s all free.
      Good luck.

  2. colleenfriesen
    colleenfriesen at |

    I liked both those movies too. And in the category of the Julias…one of my favourite movies was with Tilda Swinton in a film called Julia. She plays an alcoholic who keeps sabotaging her own life. Incredible performance.

  3. colleenfriesen
    colleenfriesen at |

    Thanks for your comments. It’s true, it’s the quiet respect that comes through so well in the rituals and ceremony – both living and dead. And I loved Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter…Spring. Did you see Doris Dorrie’s Cherry Blossoms. That too, is a very moving film.

    1. Hansje
      Hansje at |

      No I haven’t seen that movie. I will look for it. I enjoyed lately Julie & Julia and I am very fond of Ms. Potter. Do you know these? Completely different themes of course, but very nice movies.

  4. Hansje
    Hansje at |

    Saw the movie as well and I am writing about it for a DVD site in the Netherlands. I was very moved by this film because of the stillness and the respect that is shown for both living and dead in this film. I also enjoyed the movie Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter…Spring. Do you know it?


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