Norwegian Northern Lights

Well, we got back last night from the Baja. I’ve stuffed all the dirty clothes into the hamper, rolled out the already packed Norway bag and naturally had to pull it all apart and make sure I truly had everything. I’m taking a pretty small bag so it has to be the exact right mix of clothes.

I finally did the virtual tour of the ship and saw the gym…yippee. I’ll be able to keep on my running program. It got rather derailed with this past week of kayaking. Not to mention the outbreak of whatever seven of us got – that had a rather steady line-up to the port-a-potty. This, of course, was after the rather horrible and violent puking portion was done. Nothing like bonding on the beach when you’re all half-dead.

I’ve decided some people go to yoga retreats or do detoxes…I just go on a trip, get sick and come home feeling lighter and so grateful to feel good again, that it’s like a little bulimic cleansing of my own. Now. If the random stabs of head pain would leave, I could call the program complete.

I’ve gone to the library, loaded up with paperbacks and am trying to figure where I can stuff them in the bloated bag. Sounds like there will be lots of lounge time between ports which sounds just about perfect for reading and writing.

Speaking of books, I finished Night Train to Lisbon by Pascal Mercier. Quite a wonderful read.

One Response

  1. Sue McCarthy
    Sue McCarthy at |

    I am still reading the Last Train to Lisbon and hope to finish it on the plane to my next destination of Mobile, AL and the Gulf of Mexico. It seems to be moving a little slow right now.


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